Washtenaw County Court Dockets (Michigan)

Courts in Washtenaw County operate at the Federal, MI State, or local Washtenaw County level to resolve legal disputes, including both criminal and civil charges in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Courts also create and preserve records about their cases, which can be found through a Washtenaw County court docket search. A Washtenaw County court docket lists all pending and decided cases by the court, and it can be used to find a court date, locate a case summary, or learn about case activity. Many courts provide searchable online access to their court dockets, which can be searched by case number, an individual's name, or a business name. Washtenaw County court dockets also list the status of cases and information about any case filed with the court.

Ann Arbor Circuit Court Ann Arbor MI 101 East Huron Street 48104 734-222-3001 Suggest Edit

Ann Arbor District Court Ann Arbor MI 4133 Washtenaw Avenue 48108 734-973-4545 Suggest Edit

Anne Arbor District Court Ann Arbor MI 101 East Huron Street 48104 734-222-3393 Suggest Edit

Chelsea District Court Chelsea MI 122 South Main Street 48118 734-475-8606 Suggest Edit

Ypsilanti District Court Ypsilanti MI 415 West Michigan Avenue 48197 734-484-6690 Suggest Edit

A Town or City Hall in Washtenaw County is the administrative office that provides services for a local municipality in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Washtenaw County Town and City Halls may maintain information on ongoing and concluded judicial cases, including court docket information. Washtenaw County court dockets list a Washtenaw County Court's pending and decided cases, as well as information about court dates, case summaries, and case activities. These Washtenaw County public records may also list the status of any cases before the court as well as all cases that have been filed with the court. Washtenaw County Town and City Halls may provide online access to court docket information, which can be searched by case number, an individual's name, or a business name.

Ann Arbor City Hall Ann Arbor MI 100 North 5th Avenue 48104 734-994-2650 Suggest Edit

Lyndon Town Hall Chelsea MI 17751 North Territorial Road 48118 734-475-2401 Suggest Edit

Ypsilanti City Hall Ypsilanti MI 1 South Huron Street 48197 734-483-1100 Suggest Edit

A District Attorney in Washtenaw County prosecutes cases on behalf of the public, which can include both criminal and civil cases in Washtenaw County, Michigan. The Washtenaw County District Attorney's Office maintains records on their ongoing cases and well as prior cases. Much of this information can be found in the Washtenaw County court docket, which lists a court's pending and decided cases, court dates, case summaries, and case activities. Washtenaw County District Attorneys may provide online access to court docket information for the cases they are prosecuting, which can be searched by court case number, an individual's name, or a business name. Court dockets also include the status of a District Attorney's cases and information about all cases the District Attorney has filed with the Washtenaw County Court.

Washtenaw County Prosecuting Attorney Ann Arbor MI 200 North Main Street 48104 734-222-6620 Suggest Edit